
We are experts in modelling renewable energy projects.

Modelling covers critical concepts in evaluating a renewable energy project.

After identifying a renewable project, our modelling specialists optimize the business case by evaluating the profitability of the renewable energy project. In this phase, a renewable project may face uncertainties as project configurations need to be understood before FID. Plant elements are interdependent, and their dynamic capabilities drive a need for detailed holistic assessment. Technical configuration constraints the flexibility of post-COD project operation and should therefore be optimized.

Solar energy park
Wind turbine

The modelling process starts with defining a business case based on calculated assumptions and data from our originating team. All technical assumptions are integrated into a robust model, which covers the entire Power-to-X value chain from the power intake for the plant, plant sizing, and operational hours scheduling to the offtake delivery of the final product.

We ensure the business case is optimized by constantly validating undertaken assumptions to match new industry developments.

We ensure the business case is optimized by constantly validating assumptions, and the model is simulated to understand the project operation post-COD, thereby increasing understanding of the true impact of decisions made during project development phase. The period for these simulations can cover the entire project lifetime, which would optimize the pre-FID decisions that project developers need to make. 


Solar renewable energy

We are always looking for new talents.

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Jesper Asmussen

Director - Origination & Modelling
+45 53 70 93 18